
Sewer Backups and Maintenance

  • SEWER EMERGENCY (sewer spill, manhole cover off)
    • P. 760.726.6328 
    • Hours: Monday-Friday 6:00AM - 4:30PM
  • AFTER HOURS/WEEKEND SEWER EMERGENCY (sewer spill, manhole cover off)
    • P: 760.825.3135

Sewer Billing

Common Questions 

Where does my sewer lateral responsibility end? 

Per City Ordinance 78, Section 9.10, residents are responsible for maintaining their entire private lateral and its connection to the public main line. Please view the attached documents for details.

Does the city maintain sewer easements?

Vista often secures access rights to enter a private property in order for wastewater crews to clean and inspect our pipes. This however does not translate to maintenance responsibility. Any trimming of vegetation is strictly for vehicle clearance. For more information, please view the following document.